Damn. I am still give out from yesterday, National Relaxing Day. All that relaxing just wore me down and it may take me the rest of the week to get over it...that's my story and I'm sticking to it.
I have a pickup load of 12" X 12" concrete patio stones that sweetthing thinks I am gonna build a patio out of..well, I think so too, but I am not as enthusiastic about it as she is. It does involve more than just throwing the little square pieces down and hoping everything just fits perfect. It will mean some work with a hoe ( not a nappy headed one ) trying to get the grass out of the way and everything leveled and if I do it right..which I probably will not..it also means mixing some grount to hold everything together and fill the cracks. ( Cracks and nappy headed hoes..somewhere there is a joke here...)
I do enjoy life with an internet connection. Seems I learn something new every day or so and sometimes even from some not so good
NEWS.Residents of the area that the attack struck are mostly Kurdish-speaking, and members of the Yazidi religious sect, which combines elements of Islam and ancient Persian religions, are predominant.Never heard of the Yazidi so I looked it up on the net...different to say the least but not so different from Islam. It is just another one of those religions that is not compatible with my ideas of freedom.
It is a gotdam shame that people have been killing people for thousands of years in the name of their god...and still think of themselves as civilized. I reject all of these religions, including Christianity which has done its share of the killing for Jesus. And that ain't all, if Mother Nature ever calls upon me to start killing in HER name I will reject her too. But the problem ain't so much the religions as it is the mad men who lead it..now them I could just drag off and shoot without any directions from Mother Nature. I figure that open season on shamans of all types for about one month out of every year would go farther to promote peace on earth than all the Peace Corp workers ever sent abroad.
I need some jumpstart after that rant. Maybe it will take the bad taste of religion out of my mouth. Y'all come back, heah?
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